
“I support Rocketoons because it makes real world issues easier to understand for our young people.”

Terry Sabo
Michigan Representative
92nd District

“Rocketoons has the uncanny ability to open doors, break down barriers, and invite understanding. Rocketoons makes a difference in Reeths-Puffer!”

Steve Edwards
Reeths-Puffer Schools

“It’s like Scooby Doo with a message. More meaning and less Mystery Machine.”

Simeon Frang
Director of Teaching and Learning
Orchard View Schools

“Rocketoons allows students and staff to discuss important growing up issues at a level that kids can understand. These learning “toons” will help lead to a safe and secure learning environment.”

DJ Hilson
Muskegon County Prosecutor

“I have used Rocketoons in my classroom for two years now. I feel that the cartoons help bridge the gap between students and adults to talk about the tough topics such as moving to a new school and bullying. It’s like an icebreaker that allows teachers to really discuss these topics and change negative thoughts and behaviors into positives!”

Shari Krukowski
4th Grade Instructor
Reeths-Puffer Elementary

“As we continue to live in such a complex world, I highly recommend adding ROCKETOONS to educators looking to help our most precious resource (OUR CHILDREN) in processing complex issues. The team at Wheeler Creative Studios have crafted innovative concepts for educators to implement in the classroom that will make an impact on young lives.”

Michael Weessies
Vice President
Reeths-Puffer Board of Education

“Rocketoons open a window into kids’ thoughts and feelings and gives adults a way to approach them and help them to learn. It’s powerful — the power of the toon!”

Amanda Unger
Special Education Supervisor & Principal for West Shore Educational Service District

“Kids are a huge part of our services and programs at Hackley Community Care (HCC), our Teen Health Centers, and school hub sites. Rocketoons is a natural fit for our behavioral health counselors because they make a great conversation starter. This unique, out-of- the-box concept of Rocketoons, is exactly what HCC is about. Together, we are creating health solutions that contribute to healthy students, families and communities.”

Alexis Dye
Communications & Development Manager
Hackley Community Care

“I like Rocketoons because they are creative and kids love them. It helps kids reference their own experiences in relation to the cartoons to better prepare them for meaningful classroom discussions.”

Gina Clark
Third Grade Teacher
Fruitport Schools

“Rocketoons provide a safe, kid-friendly approach to discussing important conversations about stressors (such as activity overload, and bullying) in our students’ lives. Research has shown that using cartoons enhances children’s participation and ability to process information. Rocketoons provide a brief, light-hearted approach, that is linked to the common core, and include follow-up discussion points that allow teachers to launch these important conversations.”

Nancy Jaskiw MA, S.Psy.S.
School Psychologist
North Service Unit

“We are very excited about using Rocketoons in our elementary classrooms. These short but powerful videos introduce important and timely topics to our students. The cartoon-based videos are engaging, relevant, and serve as a way to share real life problems with students that will prompt collaborative conversations around these topics that are pertinent in today’s world.”

Nancy Jaskiw MA, S.Psy.S.
School Psychologist
North Service Unit

“The students in my second grade class responded very well to the cartoon. They watched it once with no prompts or expectations. They watched it a second time with some specific things to look for. One of the students in my class made a reference to stress being a “bully.” At first, I thought he was off base and missed the whole point of the cartoon. But after listening to him explain, I realized he was spot on. Stress is a bully. We need to learn to stand up to this bully by looking out for ourselves. The kids shared that by saying no to things, resting, and so on they can overcome stress. They definitely know the signs of stress (grumpiness was a popular indicator in their parents!). Overall, I feel they related well to the message and the information provided was a good reminder that we all need to recognize when we are stressed and take actions to conquer the Stress Bully! Thanks for sharing this neat experience with my class!”

Michelle Wahlberg
2nd Grade Instructor
Reeths-Puffer Elementary

“If I had to rate my cartoon experience on a scale from 1-10, I’d give it a TEN. I liked having my students begin by just watching the cartoon without any prompts. After that first view, it was easy to move into some thinking points or conversation starters and allow the students to see the cartoon again before any discussion took place. The students were very engaged for both viewings. They were also VERY ready and eager to respond to peers after that second view. The variety of responses really blew me away as students shared their varying personal thoughts on the topic of stress. The cartoon experience connected my group on a deep level. It was a way for us to support each other and listen with open hearts to just better understand what each of us experience within our community. I would appreciate the opportunity to have and use these cartoons at my disposal because it would allow me to connect with my students on that personal level. Sometimes we all get a little discombobulated, and the cartoons allow a simple and fun way to pull everyone together again.”

April Matz
3rd Grade Teacher
Reeths-Puffer Elementary